Help needed in touchscreen on Android
Anil Sasidharan
2008-10-22 17:28:37 UTC
Hello Senthil,

Please see my answers in-lined........
Hi Anil,
First of all thanks for your support in android internals queries
i have ported android onto OMAP2430SDP and am working on touch screen issue.
file system :i have extracted from android m3 sdk
kernel :Linux 2.6.27
Linux kernel is creating the event0 and event1 in dev/input/ folder.
If i do /cat event1/,i can able to see the touch events when i touch the
screen...and i can able to see the x and y coordinates variation in android
pointer Location application (i.e basic touch driver is working fine)
but full functionality is not working (like launch and close the
This sort of tells me that your x,y co-ordinate is fine for Android,
but the press&release events are not in-line with what Android
expects. It may be a good idea to check if your touch driver reports
BTN_TOUCH with a valid value for touch-down and BTN_TOUCH with 0 as
value for touch-up events. Also the ABS_PRESSURE value must be
reported properly in the driver.
so am trying do the calibration using tslib
i have compiled tslib with arm-toolchain(arm2008-q1) and i ve got
is_calibrate,ts_test etc application that am trying to run in my android
file system after android has been booted up.
my problem is am not able to launch ts_calibrate application
when i do ./ts_calibrate it is saying file not found
when i do . ./ts_calibrate it is saying
/ts_calibrate: 1: syntax error: "(" unexpected (FYI..i ve given all the
environmental variables properly )
I presume you have built the ts_calibrate dynamically (with the
library being shared object). Android linker will not be able to
launch the process as the symbol resolution fails. Hence the simple
trick would be to build the ts_calibrate statically.
Is it like android is recognizing the ts_calibrate application
can you please guide me what could be the problem? am running out of
deadline...kindly guide me on this
Thanks & Regards
Senthil kumar.V
Off: 022-67953554
Mob:+91 9920312257
Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd.
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your system.
Anil Sasidharan
2008-10-23 13:40:59 UTC

Did you get a chance to check if your touch driver reports
BTN_TOUCH with a valid value for touch-down and BTN_TOUCH with 0 as
value for touch-up events?

Regarding the issue with tslib execution, the
--enable-static option passed to the configure command-line may not
link the libc statically. Hence you might want interfere with the
final stage of the linking and ensure "-static" option is passed to
the linker. Basically you need a pure static linking (all libraries
including libc must be linked statically).

Hope this resolves the issue,

Warm Regards,
Hi Anil,
Thanks for your immediate response...
as you said i have compiled the tslib1.0 statically using foll. procedure
1st approach =>
#./configure CC=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc
--prefix=/home/Balaji/senthil/tslib_new/ts_lib --enable-static
#make install
when i launch it is throwing the same error
when i do ./ts_calibrate it is saying file not found
when i do . ./ts_calibrate it is saying
./ts_calibrate: 1: syntax error: "(" unexpected
(FYI..i ve given all the environmental variables properly )
2nd approach =>
i have read about compiling the library using android system/lib.that i have
tried using foll. procedure
#./configure CC=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc
LDFLAGS="-L/home/Balaji/senthil/tslib_new/tests/system/lib -lc"
--prefix=/home/Balaji/senthil/tslib_new/ts_lib --enable-static
#make install
this approach also throwing same error..
Is it like,do i need to customize the tslib for OMAP2430 (because i ve read
something similar that in
Is Xserver should be there in android file system to work on tslib (because
i ve read about that in
can you please tell me what am doing wrong ?kindly clarify my doubt.
Is anything wrong in my compilation?
1)am using tslib 1.0 which i ve downloaded from http://tslib.berlios.de/
2)am using file system which i have extracted from android m3_rc20a sdk
Thanks & Regards
Senthil kumar.V
Off: 022-67953554
Mob:+91 9920312257
Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd.
L&T Infotech Proprietary L&T Infotech Confidential L&T Infotech Internal
Use Only L&T Infotech General Business
This Email may contain confidential or privileged information for the
intended recipient (s) If you are not the intended recipient, please do not
use or disseminate the information, notify the sender and delete it from
your system.
10/22/2008 10:58 PM
Re: Help needed in touchscreen on Android
Hello Senthil,
Please see my answers in-lined........
Hi Anil,
First of all thanks for your support in android internals queries
i have ported android onto OMAP2430SDP and am working on touch screen issue.
file system :i have extracted from android m3 sdk
kernel :Linux 2.6.27
Linux kernel is creating the event0 and event1 in dev/input/ folder.
If i do /cat event1/,i can able to see the touch events when i touch the
screen...and i can able to see the x and y coordinates variation in android
pointer Location application (i.e basic touch driver is working fine)
but full functionality is not working (like launch and close the
This sort of tells me that your x,y co-ordinate is fine for Android,
but the press&release events are not in-line with what Android
expects. It may be a good idea to check if your touch driver reports
BTN_TOUCH with a valid value for touch-down and BTN_TOUCH with 0 as
value for touch-up events. Also the ABS_PRESSURE value must be
reported properly in the driver.
so am trying do the calibration using tslib
i have compiled tslib with arm-toolchain(arm2008-q1) and i ve got
is_calibrate,ts_test etc application that am trying to run in my android
file system after android has been booted up.
my problem is am not able to launch ts_calibrate application
when i do ./ts_calibrate it is saying file not found
when i do . ./ts_calibrate it is saying
/ts_calibrate: 1: syntax error: "(" unexpected (FYI..i ve given all the
environmental variables properly )
I presume you have built the ts_calibrate dynamically (with the
library being shared object). Android linker will not be able to
launch the process as the symbol resolution fails. Hence the simple
trick would be to build the ts_calibrate statically.
Is it like android is recognizing the ts_calibrate application
can you please guide me what could be the problem? am running out of
deadline...kindly guide me on this
Thanks & Regards
Senthil kumar.V
Off: 022-67953554
Mob:+91 9920312257
Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd.
L&T Infotech Proprietary L&T Infotech Confidential L&T Infotech Internal
Use Only L&T Infotech General Business
This Email may contain confidential or privileged information for the
intended recipient (s) If you are not the intended recipient, please do not
use or disseminate the information, notify the sender and delete it from
your system.
Anil Sasidharan
2008-10-24 11:45:00 UTC
Hello Senthil,

Please see my in-lined answers
Hi Anil & All,
Thanks for your response
Regd BTN_TOUCH in touch driver,
my driver is reporting BTN_TOUCH with 1 for pendown
input_report_key(input, BTN_TOUCH, 1);
and sending x,y and pressure data as
input_report_abs(input, ABS_X, x);
input_report_abs(input, ABS_Y, y);
input_report_abs(input, ABS_PRESSURE, Rt);
BTN_TOUCH with 0 for penup
input_report_key(input, BTN_TOUCH, 0);
input_report_abs(input, ABS_PRESSURE, 0);
Is it right? correct me if anything wrong in this ...
This looks good. What exactly do you observe with the "touch test app"
in development tools?
Regd tslib execution issue,
i have compiled tslib with -static option as foll.
#./configure CC=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc LDFLAGS="-static
-L/home/Balaji/senthil/tslib_new/tests/system/lib -lc"
--prefix=/home/Balaji/senthil/tslib_new/touch_lib --enable-static
#make install
but still it is throwing the same error
when i do ./ts_calibrate it is saying file not found
when i do . ./ts_calibrate it is saying
./ts_calibrate: 1: syntax error: "(" unexpected
can you please give me the procedure to compile the tslib statically?
1)am compiling the tslib using andtoid system/lib
2)i have replaced libc.so with my gcc tool chain libc.so.6 as it was
throwing some error while compiling. Is it right ?
I'm still not convinced with tslib path (unless there is some specific
reason to build this). The libc is not required to be replaced.
Instead use your EABI toolchain to build the ts_calibrate tool, run
the configure command as given above and see the final phase of
linking and verify if the libraries (libc also) get linked statically.
thanks in advance
Senthil kumar.V
10/23/2008 07:10 PM
Re: Help needed in touchscreen on Android
Did you get a chance to check if your touch driver reports
BTN_TOUCH with a valid value for touch-down and BTN_TOUCH with 0 as
value for touch-up events?
Regarding the issue with tslib execution, the
--enable-static option passed to the configure command-line may not
link the libc statically. Hence you might want interfere with the
final stage of the linking and ensure "-static" option is passed to
the linker. Basically you need a pure static linking (all libraries
including libc must be linked statically).
Hope this resolves the issue,
Warm Regards,
Hi Anil,
Thanks for your immediate response...
as you said i have compiled the tslib1.0 statically using foll. procedure
1st approach =>
#./configure CC=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc
--prefix=/home/Balaji/senthil/tslib_new/ts_lib --enable-static
#make install
when i launch it is throwing the same error
when i do ./ts_calibrate it is saying file not found
when i do . ./ts_calibrate it is saying
./ts_calibrate: 1: syntax error: "(" unexpected
(FYI..i ve given all the environmental variables properly )
2nd approach =>
i have read about compiling the library using android system/lib.that i have
tried using foll. procedure
#./configure CC=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc
LDFLAGS="-L/home/Balaji/senthil/tslib_new/tests/system/lib -lc"
--prefix=/home/Balaji/senthil/tslib_new/ts_lib --enable-static
#make install
this approach also throwing same error..
Is it like,do i need to customize the tslib for OMAP2430 (because i ve read
something similar that in
Is Xserver should be there in android file system to work on tslib (because
i ve read about that in
can you please tell me what am doing wrong ?kindly clarify my doubt.
Is anything wrong in my compilation?
1)am using tslib 1.0 which i ve downloaded from http://tslib.berlios.de/
2)am using file system which i have extracted from android m3_rc20a sdk
Thanks & Regards
Senthil kumar.V
10/22/2008 10:58 PM
Re: Help needed in touchscreen on Android
Hello Senthil,
Please see my answers in-lined........
Hi Anil,
First of all thanks for your support in android internals queries
i have ported android onto OMAP2430SDP and am working on touch screen issue.
file system :i have extracted from android m3 sdk
kernel :Linux 2.6.27
Linux kernel is creating the event0 and event1 in dev/input/ folder.
If i do /cat event1/,i can able to see the touch events when i touch the
screen...and i can able to see the x and y coordinates variation in android
pointer Location application (i.e basic touch driver is working fine)
but full functionality is not working (like launch and close the
This sort of tells me that your x,y co-ordinate is fine for Android,
but the press&release events are not in-line with what Android
expects. It may be a good idea to check if your touch driver reports
BTN_TOUCH with a valid value for touch-down and BTN_TOUCH with 0 as
value for touch-up events. Also the ABS_PRESSURE value must be
reported properly in the driver.
so am trying do the calibration using tslib
i have compiled tslib with arm-toolchain(arm2008-q1) and i ve got
is_calibrate,ts_test etc application that am trying to run in my android
file system after android has been booted up.
my problem is am not able to launch ts_calibrate application
when i do ./ts_calibrate it is saying file not found
when i do . ./ts_calibrate it is saying
/ts_calibrate: 1: syntax error: "(" unexpected (FYI..i ve given all the
environmental variables properly )
I presume you have built the ts_calibrate dynamically (with the
library being shared object). Android linker will not be able to
launch the process as the symbol resolution fails. Hence the simple
trick would be to build the ts_calibrate statically.
Is it like android is recognizing the ts_calibrate application
can you please guide me what could be the problem? am running out of
deadline...kindly guide me on this
Thanks & Regards
Senthil kumar.V
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