Please Help - i am getting "web page not available" error using web view.
nazeer ahamed
2009-04-08 09:37:51 UTC
Hi All,

I am using webview.loadUrl("http://www.google.com"); to open a web page. But
in my office network it shows "web page not available" error. However, the
same project opened the google web page in my home. Our office network is
having proxy settings.

Could you please help me how to make webview.loadUrl("http://www.google.com");
to open web page in my office network. What are all the proxy settings i
have to do to resolve this issue?

note : In my office - i am able to open "google" in android native browser
window. Also thru indent ACTION_VIEW i am able to open the "google" web
page. But with web view it gives me "web page not available" error. Please
help me to resolve the issue. Also i gave the <uses-permission android:name
="*android.permission.INTERNET*" /> in my manifest.xml file. But still it
shows the error "web page not available" using webview. Help me please.

Attached my android webtest project with this mail.

Waiting for your postive reply to proceed further :)


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