How to compile external packages using android toolchain.
Nimit Manglick
2008-12-15 06:34:15 UTC

Can anyone please help me out that how can i compile external packages
inside Android ??

Actually i want to compile an external package (not part of the Android file
system) using android tool chain

So how can i do it ?

Thanks & Regards
Nimit Manglick

unsubscribe: android-porting+unsubscribe-/***@public.gmane.org
website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting
2008-12-19 09:54:44 UTC
It's clear that there's an arm-eabi-gcc tool in it's prebuilt directory.
Post by Nimit Manglick
Can anyone please help me out that how can i compile external packages
inside Android ??
Actually i want to compile an external package (not part of the Android file
system) using android tool chain
So how can i do it ?
Thanks & Regards
Nimit Manglick
what we lose day by day is not youth, but passion.
2008-12-27 04:43:44 UTC

This question is slightly out of context, I have following questions,

1. Can I have anroid w/o the davlick vm, application framework, and APIS ?
2. The motivation here is write custom applications on top libraries
provided by anriod platform ? In others words, I want to strip of java
virtual m/c, application framework and use anroid ?
3. Does Anroid platform have a shell which comes up once we boot on
the target can be used to run applications (strictly for debugging
purposes) ?
4. Motivation here is to use either c++ or c language for development
of applications....

Hope somebody would able to provide some answers to me or throw more insight....

Post by dinny
It's clear that there's an arm-eabi-gcc tool in it's prebuilt directory.
Post by Nimit Manglick
Can anyone please help me out that how can i compile external packages
inside Android ??
Actually i want to compile an external package (not part of the Android file
system) using android tool chain
So how can i do it ?
Thanks & Regards
Nimit Manglick
what we lose day by day is not youth, but passion.
- J. Venumadhav

unsubscribe: android-porting+unsubscribe-/***@public.gmane.org
website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting
Dianne Hackborn
2009-01-22 23:54:28 UTC
Post by venu
1. Can I have anroid w/o the davlick vm, application framework, and APIS ?
You can take Linux + whatever user space libraries you want, but I
personally I wouldn't call this "Android" any more.
Post by venu
2. The motivation here is write custom applications on top libraries
provided by anriod platform ? In others words, I want to strip of java
virtual m/c, application framework and use anroid ?
That isn't Android. A lot of what makes Android what it is the Java code,
which implements everything from window management and application and
process management to the user-space view hierarchy and other client
Post by venu
3. Does Anroid platform have a shell which comes up once we boot on
the target can be used to run applications (strictly for debugging
purposes) ?
Use adb for this.
Post by venu
4. Motivation here is to use either c++ or c language for development
of applications....
Android applications at this point must include some Java code to interact
with the rest of the system. If (and only if) you are writing an app that
will be shipped on a device, you can use JNI for its Java code to call some
native code that implements significant parts of the app. But eventually
there needs to be Java code to interact with the activity manager, window
manager, etc.

And of course right now native code in third party apps is NOT supported, so
those have to be all Java.
Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support. All such questions should be posted on public
forums, where I and others can see and answer them.

unsubscribe: android-porting+unsubscribe-/***@public.gmane.org
website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-porting
2008-12-27 04:38:23 UTC

This question is slightly out of context, I have following questions,

1. Can I have anroid w/o the davlick vm, application framework, and APIS ?
2. The motivation here is write custom applications on top libraries
provided by anriod platform ? In others words, I want to strip of java
virtual m/c, application framework and use anroid ?
3. Does Anroid platform have a shell which comes up once we boot on
the target can be used to run applications (strictly for debugging
purposes) ?
4. Motivation here is to use either c++ or c language for development
of applications....

Hope somebody would able to provide some answers to me or throw more insight....

Post by dinny
It's clear that there's an arm-eabi-gcc tool in it's prebuilt directory.
Post by Nimit Manglick
Can anyone please help me out that how can i compile external packages
inside Android ??
Actually i want to compile an external package (not part of the Android file
system) using android tool chain
So how can i do it ?
Thanks & Regards
Nimit Manglick
what we lose day by day is not youth, but passion.
- J. Venumadhav